Monday, February 6, 2012

I Will Always be Proud to be American

I am a daughter to America.
I was born and raised as a Yankee.
I come from a background of many heritages,
From my mother I inherited the genes of a leprechaun,
that explains my pale skin and freckles.
From my dad I inherited my love for all types of pasta.
Nazi behavior is in my genes but, has yet to exist in my personality.
I am only fluent in English; all other languages are a blur to me.
The only Nationality to define me is American,
I am free and I am proud.


  1. I liked it and it is defining! I will say a little short but it was great nonetheless!

  2. Short but very interesting and tells a lot about you and your heritage.

  3. I like it, too. I like how you began with the fact that you define yourself as an American and you end the poem saying the only nationality that defines you is American. My favorite line is about you having the genes of a leprechaun. Put your comma before your 'but' and don't capitalize nationality.
