Monday, February 27, 2012

Don't be a Hog, People in Africa are Hungrier Than You!

The video above is called Hunger in Africa. The video shows in vivid detail the starvation epidemic going on in Africa. Africa has poor malnutrition and thousands die every day from starvation. Children lose their parents and become orphans and parents lose their children. The pictures in this video are graphic you can see that these people are nothing but skin and bones. You can see the outline of each of their ribs in their skin. Their arms are a thin as my thumb. These families need help, they need fresh clean water and they need food. They are fighting for their lives and Americans like me sit down for over filling meals and throw half of the food away. It is time to donate to the poor and help save the lives of thousands of innocent people.
I went to Student Involvement website ate FGCU and I found a club on campus called The Lady Bug project. What this club does is help expose FGCU students to the many conditions in Africa. Through all of the awareness, fundraising and service learning projects FGCU students are able to connect their local communities to communities in Africa and help provide services to the communities in need. One thing that this group can do is host a water drive, where each person brings a container filled with fresh purified water that will be donated to a community in need in Africa. Each container of water that is donated helps save an innocent life.

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