Monday, February 20, 2012

Baby School?

For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside of Marriage
By Jason DaParle and Sabrina Tavernise

"More than half of births to American women under 30 occur outside marriage."  It used to be that it was only poor women and minorities that would get pregnant before the age of thirty. But in the last two decades, it has totally changed. It used to be that young minorities would get pregnant and would drop out of school before they would finish their four year degree. But within the last 20 years, it has become that mostly white women before the age of thirty are pregnant before they graduate, also now most of the minorities are finishing their college education and creating a more successful life for themselves. 
To me this is absolutely disgusting. I know so many girls from my high school that already have kids and are not doing anything with their lives to further their education. I am not saying that it is okay for minorities to do this at all. It is totally wrong for anyone or any girl to not at least attempt to finish their education because they get pregnant. Girls need to be more careful and, take in to consideration how important their education actually is. 


  1. Kylie,
    Avoid words like "only" poor women and minorities would be pregnant. Only is too narrow and might not necessarily be true. Unless you can prove that no woman in history ever got pregnant before 30, you can't say that. Also, the standards for family planning in the early 1900's expected women to be married with children way before their 30's. Life expectancy was much shorter than and therefore the 30's was nearly midlife. The concept of late-life pregnancy is a relatively recent concept.

    Personally, I am completely offended that you said early pregnancy was disgusting. I am 17 years old and am a parent to a BEAUTIFUL 2 month old boy and am a full time student at FGCU. I am still in high school as well doing dual enrollment. My education is important, but never as important as my son, and I wouldn't trade the experience of motherhood for any degree. You might find me disgusting, but I find it equally disgusting how judgmental you have been in this post.

    Pregnancy is not a disease or an epidemic, and I would ask you to reconsider your preconceived notions and stereotypes.In fact, many young MOTHERS are going to school or returning to school despite previous statistics.

  2. Kylie,
    I agree with some of Jessica's responses to your post. I was a mother at 16 and again at 18. I finished high school and received a college degree. It's ok to have an opinion and if you feel it's disgusting that is ok. Not everyone feels the same. But facts have to be accurate. Today’s standards have changed. Not every couple who have children gets married. There are plenty of single women who choose to have children out of wedlock. Some women can be successful without an education.
    I feel as though this article is based more on opinion than fact.

  3. Kylie,
    I agree with you that girls should take their education more seriously. Regardless if they get pregnant or not, it is super important for woman to do their best at getting an education so they can be successful. Nowadays teen pregnancy is something that is glorified when we watch shows like "Teen Mom" and this is not to say that it's something that can't be done, but it is definitely something that needs to be thought about.

  4. You seem to mostly present the idea, but don't give too much detail on it and proceed to attack it far too strongly. You get your point across but you do it too rashly and with statements that are far too harsh for an argumentative piece. However, as I said, you get your point across, early pregnancy is not something that should be a goal for people, but it is also not "disgusting" to everyone.

  5. I have to agree with Andy's comment above about not supporting your opinion with some facts or statistics. You have to watch your tone because not everyone will be agreeing with you. It is your job to present your point of view objectively and back it up.
