Monday, February 27, 2012

Don't be a Hog, People in Africa are Hungrier Than You!

The video above is called Hunger in Africa. The video shows in vivid detail the starvation epidemic going on in Africa. Africa has poor malnutrition and thousands die every day from starvation. Children lose their parents and become orphans and parents lose their children. The pictures in this video are graphic you can see that these people are nothing but skin and bones. You can see the outline of each of their ribs in their skin. Their arms are a thin as my thumb. These families need help, they need fresh clean water and they need food. They are fighting for their lives and Americans like me sit down for over filling meals and throw half of the food away. It is time to donate to the poor and help save the lives of thousands of innocent people.
I went to Student Involvement website ate FGCU and I found a club on campus called The Lady Bug project. What this club does is help expose FGCU students to the many conditions in Africa. Through all of the awareness, fundraising and service learning projects FGCU students are able to connect their local communities to communities in Africa and help provide services to the communities in need. One thing that this group can do is host a water drive, where each person brings a container filled with fresh purified water that will be donated to a community in need in Africa. Each container of water that is donated helps save an innocent life.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Baby School?

For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside of Marriage
By Jason DaParle and Sabrina Tavernise

"More than half of births to American women under 30 occur outside marriage."  It used to be that it was only poor women and minorities that would get pregnant before the age of thirty. But in the last two decades, it has totally changed. It used to be that young minorities would get pregnant and would drop out of school before they would finish their four year degree. But within the last 20 years, it has become that mostly white women before the age of thirty are pregnant before they graduate, also now most of the minorities are finishing their college education and creating a more successful life for themselves. 
To me this is absolutely disgusting. I know so many girls from my high school that already have kids and are not doing anything with their lives to further their education. I am not saying that it is okay for minorities to do this at all. It is totally wrong for anyone or any girl to not at least attempt to finish their education because they get pregnant. Girls need to be more careful and, take in to consideration how important their education actually is. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Straighten Up and Donate to Breakthrough!

 Breakthrough Group

The Breakthrough Group is ran by Mwanaidi. She is in her early thirties married with four children. All of her children go to school. Mwanaidi has been running not only a food vending business but also selling khanga and vitenge (types of fabric) since 2000. The bad thing is that she has to work from 8:00 p.m. until midnight everyday. At the end of the month she does end up bringing home a decent profit. Mwanaidi has had seven loans prior to the loan she is requesting. Her previous loan portions have gone towards increasing her food stocks as well as got her started selling her fabrics. This time she is requesting a 4,750,000 TZS loan from Tujijenge Tanzania. This loan she will be sharing with her loan group, Breakthrough. Breakthrough consists of seventeen members who hold each other accountable for paying back their portions of the loan. With this eighth loan Mwanaidi has decided to use her portion to buy more stocks of food so she will be able to sell to more people. Her dream is to one day open her own hotel. The other members in Breakthrough also plan on using their loan money towards their businesses.

One reason why you should lend money to this group is because the money is going towards other individuals besides the person getting the loan. For example Mwanaidi is taking out her loan so she is able to buy more food so she is able to sell the food to more people. This is not only benefiting her and her family with finances it is also benefiting the individuals buying the food so their families do not have to starve. By donating the money to Breakthrough you are helping the loan receivers as well as many other people.

Another reason you should lend money to this group is because they have proved that they will pay back their loan. This is the eighth loan that Mwanaidi has received and each loan she has gotten has been paid back in full. She is true to her word. The purpose of the "group loan" is so that their is peer pressure on all the other loan receivers on paying back.

The last reason you should lend your money to this group is because they live in a third world country they are not given the opportunities that Americans are given. They work hard labor jobs that pay them nothing, all to try and put food on the table for their families. They deal with malnutrition and many end up dying. Even though all of this may happen individuals like the members of Breakthrough still do the things they do to help others they not only want to provide for their families they want to provide for other families as well. These people have dreams that they want to fulfill so they wish that people like you will help them.

The value of $50 to you holds a greater meaning to the Breakthrough group! Straighten Up and Donate to Breakthrough!