Monday, October 17, 2011

GoAnimate Professional!

For the technology part of my midterm I chose to use GoAnimate. At first I was unsure if I wanted to do a short animated Cartoon on GoAnimate or create a small presentation on SlideRocket. In the end I chose to use GoAnimate because making a short animated cartoon appealed to me. I have never made one before so I thought it would be a lot more fun than putting facts on a slide. Signing up for GoAnimate was very simple. I was able to start my cartoon right away. The website is very user friendly it takes you through there process step by step. I usually tend to have trouble with technology but this site was a piece of cake. I really enjoyed creating characters and a dialog. Over all it was definitely the right choice for me. One thing I would choose to do differently in my cartoon is change a little bit of the dialog and possibly make it catchier. Other than that I think I did a decent job on my cartoon.

This is the link for my GoAnimate Cartoon:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Two People in Two Different Worlds

As the clock struck 12:15, Ella was startled by the screaming of the lunch bell. Realization hit her; it is her first day in yet another new school. She knew that each school she has been to in the last 3 years always has its cliques and she tends to find it harder to make friends and fit in. As she contemplates weather or not to go to lunch she is not aware that there is a person standing with their back to her and she slams right into them.  Ella lifts up her head in confusion of what just happened. Staring right back at her are the prettiest ocean blue eyes she has seen. She begins to apologize and explain that she wasn’t paying attention, when she sees a hand out in front of her and a distant voice say “Hi, you must be the new girl. My name is Brad”. Once she heard that strong but caring voice she knew it was love at first site.
Ella and Brad come from two different worlds. Ella is a small town girl who grew up with very little. Her mom has struggled to raise herself and her younger sister Mia. Their family tends to move a lot because Ella’s mother keeps moving jobs were there is more money to be made. Brad fits under the stereotype of a “rich boy”. He has never worked a day in his life and yet he has everything you could possibly dream of. Brad is an only child and he barely sees his parents. Brad is about 6 feet hall with long brown hair and those ocean blue eyes. Ella’s blonde pin straight hair and brown eyes go perfectly with her pearly white skin. Brad wears all designer clothes and Ella gets hers from the Goodwill or thrift shops.
Even though, Brad and Ella tend to have a lot of differences they also have a lot of similarities. Both Brad and Ella like watching sports. They both have Boston terriers and goldfish. Both of them love when the leaves on the trees change color in the fall. They both like to take long bike rides and clear their minds. Most important of all, they both love each other.
When Ella trampled over Brad on the first day of school, they were not aware of how their lives would change from then on. They come from completely different worlds. Most people wouldn’t think that it would work out. These two may disagree on things due to their views and how they were raised. But hey opposites do attract!