Monday, September 19, 2011

Zipping 600 ft over the Catskill Mountains

As I step up to the platform, I can feel my legs about to give out. The instructor begins to strap my harness to the cable. My body is shaking as much as a washing machine, while it is on the rinse cycle. I have about 20 seconds left to clear my mind before I have to take off. I close my eyes and remember why I am here. I have decided to step out of my comfort zone, and take a risk. My heart is pounding against my chest when I hear the instructor say go. I begin to run faster than I ever have before; I lift my knees to my chest and lean back. It feels like I am going 70 mph as I sore across the line. I begin to realize that this is a wonderful experience. I look down and see that for once the trees are under me. I finally came to the conclusion that zip lining is not as scary as it looks.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Deliciousness in a Wrapper

Picking up the lightweight snack, peeling back the blinding silver foil, placing that soft milk chocolate on your tongue, little by little you taste the milk chocolate melt away. When it is all gone and over with you are wishing you had more then one. That my friends is a Hershey Kiss, the irresistible delicious snack. Eating a Hershey Kiss is a prom you never want to end.
-Kylie B.