Monday, November 28, 2011

My Big Five for Life!

What are your “Big Five for Life?” What are the five things you want to see, experience, or accomplish before you die? Would you then consider your life a success?  Do you see your “Big Five for Life” changing as time goes on? What factors might cause you to re-evaluate your “Big Five for Life”? 

- My big five for life are to become a successful pediatric nurse practitioner, get married and have a family, travel to a different country, not struggle financially, and being able to retire some place wonderful. No matter what I do or how bad I fail I will always consider my life a success because I will still always have the people I love surrounding me. As time goes on I can see my big five for life changing because I might come across new interest.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Is Hazing Really Innocent?

            Hazing is, any humiliating or dangerous activity expected of you to join a group, regardless of your willingness to participate. The top organizations that tend to report the most number of members hazing are known to be fraternities, sororities, peer groups, and gangs. In 1999, Alfred University reported that 79 percent of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletes that participated in this survey did indicate that they did experience some form of hazing. 51 percent also stated that they were required to participate in different alcohol-related hazing. This same study also showed that 76 percent of students joining fraternities or sororities were hazed and 22 percent of students that participated in music, art, or theater groups were also subjected to hazing. Students who are subjected to hazing tend to suffer from psychological and emotional disorders such as depression, discomfort, low self-esteem, and negative feelings including a sense of hurt, betrayal, worthlessness, loneliness, and hatred.
            My opinion on hazing is that it is uncalled for. You should not have to be tortured or “hazed” to be initiated into a fraternity or sorority. Also, you should not have to be involved in any type of hazing for a sports team or as well as music, art, or theater groups. I am aware that at my school hazing is prohibited. I also know that it may still take place within certain groups on campus. As a student I can take it upon myself to form a group or association that represents anti hazing. Within this group I can try to encourage students to come forward and inform us if they have been subjected to hazing and by whom. This group can help stop hazing at my campus and possibly expand on other campuses to try and help prevent hazing there as well. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Facebook Goes To Far

On February 22, 2010, Liz McNeil wrote an article in People Magazine. The article talked about bullying over Facebook at South Hadley High School in Massachusetts. The young girl that was bullied went by the name of Phoebe. Phoebe was new to Massachusetts. Her family was from Ireland. At first Phoebe was adjusting well to her new school until all of the boys started to notice her. Many girls became jealous that Phoebe had the boy’s attention. Once Phoebe started to have an exclusive relationship with a football player that was also seeing another girl, everyone started calling her the “Irish whore”. The taunting only got worse. Phoebe was not only sent horrible messages, photo comments, & wall posts over Facebook she was also verbally bullied in school. Phoebe got to the point where she couldn’t handle it anymore and she soon hung herself.
While I read this article my heart went out to Phoebe and her family. I was never bullied when I was in school so I honestly do not come close to understanding what it feels like. I just don’t understand how people can be so cruel to another person. I have a Facebook, and there has been times that I have read conversations on my news feed of one person degrading another. There has also been an incident where girls are having an argument and wish each other dead. Facebook is really meant for friends and family to stay in contact, or for you to meet new people. It is not meant for bullying or cruel words. Reading this article has really opened my eyes to the effect bullies have on their victims. It has also opened my eyes to the fact that Facebook allows bullying to go on. I am not sure that I am okay with that.,,20350702,00.html