Sunday, January 29, 2012

Master Sea Diver

In the article Carl Brashear, ‘Men of Honor’ diver, dies at 75 the author talks about how great of a man Carl was. He was a great Master Sea Diver, especially considering all of the things that he had to go through to get there. Throughout his journey Carl was faced with racist bosses. He was forced to do things 10X harder than any white man had to do. But yet he prevailed and was one of the greatest Master Sea Divers ever.

In my opinion what Mr.Brashear had to go through was absolutely ridiculous, from the beginning he was just as good as everyone in training if not the best. But yet he had to go though things that nobody else had to just to prove him self. They tried to make him quit many times by doing things to his tools, or his sleeping habits. But through it all he never quit he pushed through everything and won.